These Gujarat state owned company’s shares are worth buying

Gujarat state fertilizers & chemicals Ltd

All the valuation ratios of this company suggest that the share is not overpriced and except for the financial year that ended in march 2020 it’s net profit is consistent and increasing significantly since FY2021 so does the share price , the company pays dividends to its shareholders regularly and annual dividend yield is around 5% , wehen q4 results of FY23 are announced on 25 may it declared a dividend of rs 10 per share and set the record date as sep 8 , investors can buy this share now to get the dividend and hopefully the share price recovers soon after exdividend date

Gujarat state petronet Ltd

This is one of those shares whose share price is increasing steadily with the increase in revenue and net profit of the company and at around 270 levels the company’s shares doesn’t seem overpriced and it declared a dividend of rs 5 per share

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